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Create Your Dream Country Kitchen



Create Your Dream Country Kitchen

Rebecca Hedley

Country or farmhouse style kitchens can create a feeling of warmth and comfort in the most important room in your home. Whether you’re a five star chef or just want a cosy area to chat with friends over a cup of tea, the timeless country kitchen can be the perfect design to suit your needs.

Over the years, rural kitchens have adapted to new trends in style and technology but they’ve managed to retain the welcoming atmosphere that makes them so recognisable. Traditional timber surfaces, large kitchen tables and even fireplaces are hallmarks of the country aesthetic but that doesn’t mean you have to own a farmhouse cottage to achieve a similar rustic look and feel.

Choosing the right colour palette can make a big difference. Opt for white or grey cabinetry with simple timber accents, like open shelving. For a pop of colour, pastel painted chairs or appliances can add an eclectic flair reminiscent of the mediterranean.

When you’re lacking the space or desire for a classic country feature like a wood burning stove, the style and finish of your cabinet handles can really bring the whole look together. Provincial kitchens get a contemporary upgrade with matt black handles, or choose a burnished antique bronze or copper for a more arcadian look.

Soft curved edges and elaborate detailing are key features of provincial handles and updating your cabinet handles and knobs can be a quick and cost effective way to create the classic country style you’re after.

For inspiration and ideas, shop our full range of provincial handles.